Fort Mill Worker’s Compensation Lawyer


Fort Mill Worker’s Comp Lawyer | Bice Law

Job Site Fall - Work Injury Lawyer Fort MillIf you have been injured on the job and are in need of an experienced Fort Mill Worker’s Compensation Lawyer Bice Law is the firm to call! Bice Law is a personal injury law firm with a Fort Mill Worker’s Compensation Lawyer who has expertise in successfully handling worker’s comp claims. Being out of work is stressful enough without having to navigate the difficulties of a worker’s compensation claim.

At Bice Law, our focus is what we can do for our clients and not what our clients do for us. We take the worry from our clients and fight for them every step of the way to ensure they get the maximum amount of benefits and compensation from a worker’s comp claim. We fight for our clients from consultation to settlement and we don’t get paid until we win! Call Bice Law today for a FREE CONSULTATION with an experienced Fort Mill Worker’s Compensation Lawyer. We have helped countless victims of work-related injuries, and our results are measured by the settlements we’ve won for our clients. Call Bice Law today, we are here to help!

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What To Do After Being Injured At Work in Fort Mill

Suffering a work injury can be a challenging experience, but knowing what steps to take afterward can make a significant difference in your recovery and overall well-being. From seeking medical attention promptly to engaging a Fort Mill workers’ compensation attorney and documenting every detail, each step plays a vital role in ensuring you receive the care, support, and compensation you deserve. By following these crucial steps, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the complexities of the aftermath of a work injury in Fort Mill.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention. The health and safety of the injured worker should always be the top priority. Regardless of the severity of the injury, seeking medical attention promptly is essential. If the injury is serious, call 911 or visit the nearest emergency room. Even seemingly minor injuries should be evaluated by a medical professional to ensure they don’t worsen over time.

Report the Injury to Your Employer. After seeking medical attention, it’s vital to report the injury to your employer as soon as possible. This report initiates the workers’ compensation process. Provide accurate details about the incident, including the location, time, and circumstances leading to the injury. Reporting the injury promptly helps establish a clear record of the event.

Document the Incident. Take photographs of the accident site, your injuries, and any contributing factors. These visual records can serve as valuable evidence during the claims process. Additionally, write down a detailed account of what happened while the memories are fresh. Include information about any witnesses present at the scene.

Consult a Workers’ Compensation Attorney. Enlisting the assistance of a Fort Mill workers’ compensation attorney can significantly ease the process of filing a claim and navigating legal complexities. These experienced professionals can guide you through the paperwork, ensure that your rights are protected, and represent your interests if disputes arise.

Work Injury Claim - Fort Mill Work Injury Attorney File a Workers’ Compensation Claim. Follow your employer’s guidelines for filing a workers’ compensation claim. Typically, this involves submitting a claim form to your employer’s human resources or workers’ compensation department. Include all necessary documentation, such as medical reports, bills, and any other evidence that supports your claim.

Follow Medical Advice and Attend Appointments. Adhere to the treatment plan prescribed by your healthcare provider. Attend all follow-up appointments, therapies, and treatments recommended. This not only aids in your recovery but also demonstrates your commitment to regaining your health.

Keep Detailed Records. Maintain a comprehensive record of all medical treatments, expenses, and correspondence related to your injury and the workers’ compensation claim. This documentation can serve as essential evidence should any disputes arise during the claims process.

Communicate with Your Employer and Insurer. Maintain open communication with your employer and the workers’ compensation insurer. Provide updates on your medical progress and any changes in your condition. Promptly respond to any requests for information or documentation.

Know Your Rights. Educate yourself about your rights as an injured worker. Understand the benefits you are entitled to under the workers’ compensation system, including medical coverage, wage replacement, and disability benefits. Knowledge empowers you to advocate for yourself effectively.

Explore Return-to-Work Options. As you progress in your recovery, discuss potential return-to-work options with your healthcare provider, employer, and workers’ compensation attorney. Depending on your condition, a modified work arrangement or transitional duties might be considered to facilitate a smooth transition back to your job.

Have you been injured on the job in Fort Mill?

If you have been injured on the job in Fort Mill and you were denied worker’s compensation benefits or are not getting the benefits you need, contact Bice Law. Bice Law is a Fort Mill injury law firm that specializes in worker’s compensation injuries and other serious personal injuries caused by the negligence of another. Our Frontline Injury Team has the experience needed to fight and get your the maximum amount of worker’s compensation benefits available for your on-the-job injury in Fort Mill.

Bice Law is a firm in Fort Mill with extensive experience handling worker’s compensation claims and a success rate proven by the benefits and settlements that we have won for our worker’s compensation clients. Our firm has helped countless victims injured while on the job. Let Bice Law help you! 

Fort Mill Work Injury Lawyer and Former Judge of Tega Cay

Bice Law is a personal injury law firm with an experienced Fort Mill Work Injury Lawyer and former Judge of Tega Cay. Attorney Justin Bice served as the Judge of Tega Cay from 2015 until 2021. During his term of service, Mr. Bice conducted jury trials and bond hearings, issued arrest and search warrants, and was heavily involved throughout the Tega Cay court system. When you choose Bice Law, you are getting more than the expertise of a personal injury attorney. You are getting experience from multiple aspects of the law.

Does Your Work Injury Qualify For Worker’s Compensation?

Work Injury - Fort Mill Work Injury LawyerIf you have been injured while working for an employer in Fort Mill, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. In order to receive workers’ compensation, you must have been employed at the time you are injured, and the injury must be a direct result of the employment. Your injuries must be caused by whatever tasks you have been assigned while employed.

Qualifying Work Injuries

Accidents and Trauma: Injuries resulting from accidents, such as slips, falls, and collisions, often qualify for workers’ compensation. These incidents can cause various injuries, including fractures, sprains, and concussions.

Repetitive Strain Injuries: Conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome or tendinitis, caused by repetitive motions, can be covered under workers’ compensation if they are a direct result of job-related tasks.

Occupational Illnesses: Illnesses caused by workplace exposure to hazardous substances, such as toxic chemicals or asbestos, are generally eligible for workers’ compensation. These may include respiratory conditions, skin disorders, and certain types of cancer.

Preexisting Conditions Aggravated by Work: If a preexisting medical condition worsens due to job-related activities, the resulting injury may qualify for workers’ compensation. For instance, if a person with a previous back injury experiences increased pain due to lifting heavy objects at work.

Mental Health Issues: Some jurisdictions recognize mental health conditions caused or exacerbated by work-related stress as qualifying for workers’ compensation. However, proving the direct connection can be more complex than physical injuries.

Injuries During Work-Related Travel: Injuries sustained while traveling for work-related purposes, such as business trips or meetings, are often covered under workers’ compensation.

Factors Affecting Eligibility. It’s important to note that qualifying for workers’ compensation isn’t solely determined by the nature of the injury. Several factors can influence eligibility, such as:

Employment Status: Generally, only employees are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, not independent contractors or volunteers.

Notification: Reporting the injury to the employer within the specified timeframe is crucial. Failing to report the injury promptly might impact eligibility.

Causation: The injury must be directly linked to work-related tasks or conditions. If the injury occurs outside the scope of work activities, it might not qualify.

Time and Place: The injury must occur during work hours and at a location where work duties are typically performed.

Adherence to Procedures: Following the proper procedures for filing a workers’ compensation claim is essential. This includes providing necessary documentation and cooperating with medical evaluations.

Understanding the criteria for eligibility, as well as adhering to reporting and filing procedures, ensures that injured workers receive the necessary benefits to aid in their recovery and well-being. If you’ve been injured at work and believe you might qualify for worker’s compensation, contact Bice Law! Our Frontline Injury Team can help you navigate the workers’ compensation process effectively.

Can I see my own doctor for a work injury?

When you sustain a work-related injury, the process of seeking medical treatment can raise questions about whether you can see your own doctor or if you’re required to visit a physician selected by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance. Understanding your rights and options in this matter is crucial to ensure proper medical care and a smooth workers’ compensation claim process.

Your Right to Choose. In many cases, you have the right to choose your own doctor for treating a work-related injury. However, this may vary depending on the specific workers’ compensation laws in your state. It’s important to check your state’s regulations to know your rights accurately.

Employer’s Choice of Doctor. In some cases, your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance might have a preferred provider network, and you may be required to seek medical treatment from a doctor within that network. This is common in situations where the insurance company is responsible for covering your medical expenses.

Second Opinions. If you choose to see your own doctor but the insurance company requires an evaluation by one of their doctors, you may be entitled to a second opinion from your chosen physician. However, this process can be subject to certain rules and regulations, so it’s important to consult with an experienced Fort Mill worker’s compensation attorney who is well-versed on your state’s workers’ compensation guidelines.

Communication is Key. Whether you choose your own doctor or follow your employer’s preferred provider network, communication is crucial. Notify your employer and the insurance company about your choice of doctor and make sure all medical records and bills are properly documented.

Understanding your rights and responsibilities in this matter is essential to ensure you receive appropriate medical care and that your workers’ compensation claim proceeds smoothly. Weigh the pros and cons of seeing your own doctor versus an employer-selected physician, and always ensure clear communication with all relevant parties to ensure your well-being and your claim’s success. If you’re unsure about your rights or how to proceed, consulting with a Fort Mill injury attorney experienced in South Carolina workers’ compensation law can provide valuable guidance.

Worker’s Compensation Attorney in Fort Mill

In today’s fast-paced world, workplaces are essential for economic growth and personal development. However, with work comes the potential for accidents and injuries. If you were injured at work you need to know you are protected and an experienced Worker’s Compensation Attorney in Fort Mill will have your best interest in mind. While many employers prioritize the safety of their employees, accidents can still happen, leaving workers in a state of vulnerability. In situations where work injuries occur, a Fort Mill Workers’ Compensation attorney is an invaluable resource. Below are some key reasons as to why you need a Worker’s Compensation Attorney in Fort Mill if you have been injured on the job.

Understanding Workers’ Compensation. Workers’ compensation is a system designed to provide financial and medical benefits to employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. It’s a no-fault system, meaning that even if the worker’s own actions contributed to the injury, they are still eligible for benefits. These benefits typically include medical treatment coverage, wage replacement, and disability compensation.

Navigating Complex Legalities. While the concept of workers’ compensation may seem straightforward, the legal process involved can be complex and daunting for the injured worker. This is where a seasoned workers’ compensation attorney comes into play. These attorneys specialize in understanding the intricacies of workers’ compensation laws, ensuring that the injured party’s rights are protected and they receive the compensation they deserve.

Determining Eligibility and Benefits. One of the initial steps in a workers’ compensation claim is determining the injured worker’s eligibility for benefits. A workers’ compensation attorney can help assess the situation, ensuring that the injury or illness is indeed work-related and falls within the scope of the workers’ compensation program. They also guide the injured worker through the process of filing a claim, ensuring that all necessary documentation is collected and submitted accurately.

Negotiating Fair Compensation. When an injury occurs, the injured worker may face medical bills, lost wages, and other financial burdens. A skilled workers’ compensation attorney in Fort Mill can negotiate with the employer’s insurance company to ensure that the injured worker receives fair compensation. This compensation not only covers immediate medical expenses but also considers long-term implications of the injury on the worker’s ability to work and their overall quality of life.

Protecting Against Unfair Denials. Unfortunately, Fort Mill workers’ compensation claims can be denied, leaving the injured worker in a state of uncertainty. A workers’ compensation attorney can step in to challenge these denials. They have the knowledge and experience to build a strong case, presenting evidence that supports the legitimacy of the claim. By doing so, they maximize the chances of the injured worker receiving the benefits they deserve.

Navigating Complex Legal Proceedings. In some cases, the workers’ compensation process may involve hearings and legal proceedings. Navigating these proceedings without legal representation can be overwhelming for the injured worker. A skilled attorney is well-versed in the legal procedures and can represent the worker’s interests in hearings. This legal expertise ensures that the injured worker’s case is presented effectively and that their rights are upheld. At Bice Law, we know the court system better than anyone and we will take any case to trial if we feel that our clients aren’t receiving fair treatment.

Exploring Alternative Avenues. While workers’ compensation is designed to provide a safety net for injured workers, there may be situations where third parties, such as equipment manufacturers or subcontractors, share responsibility for the injury. A workers’ compensation attorney in Fort Mill can assess the situation and explore potential avenues for pursuing additional compensation beyond the workers’ compensation benefits. This could involve filing a personal injury lawsuit against a negligent third party.

Providing Peace of Mind. Dealing with an injury and its aftermath can be emotionally and physically taxing. Having a knowledgeable workers’ compensation attorney by one’s side can provide a sense of relief. Knowing that a legal professional is working to secure fair compensation and protect their rights allows the injured worker to focus on their recovery without the added stress of legal complexities.

The need for a Fort Mill Workers’ Compensation Attorney becomes evident when one considers the complexities of the legal process, the intricacies of the workers’ compensation system, and the potential challenges faced by injured workers. These legal professionals play a pivotal role in ensuring that injured workers receive the compensation they deserve and that their rights are upheld during a challenging period in their lives. Whether it’s guiding the injured party through the claims process, negotiating with insurance companies, or representing them in legal proceedings, a workers’ compensation attorney is an indispensable ally in the pursuit of justice and fair treatment for injured workers.

What are the Worker’s Compensation Laws in South Carolina?

Almost all employers in South Carolina are required to carry worker’s compensation insurance. This includes both public and private employers, with few exceptions. If you are an employee of one of these covered employers and you suffer an injury or illness related to your job, you may be eligible for worker’s compensation benefits. Workers’ compensation laws in South Carolina serve as a vital safety net for employees who experience work-related injuries or illnesses. These laws ensure that injured workers receive appropriate medical treatment, wage replacement, and other benefits. Understanding the key aspects of South Carolina’s workers’ compensation laws is crucial for both employers and employees.

Coverage and Eligibility. South Carolina’s workers’ compensation laws apply to most employers who have four or more employees. However, there are exceptions for specific industries and types of employment. Domestic workers, agricultural laborers, and certain railroad employees may not be covered. Independent contractors are generally not eligible for workers’ compensation benefits.

Filing a Claim and Time Limitations. In South Carolina, injured workers must report the injury to their employer within 90 days of its occurrence. Failure to do so might result in the loss of workers’ compensation benefits. The injured worker then has up to two years from the date of the injury to file a workers’ compensation claim. It’s crucial to adhere to these timelines to ensure eligibility for benefits.

Dispute Resolution. In cases where there are disputes regarding workers’ compensation claims, South Carolina provides a mechanism for resolving these issues. The South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission oversees the process, and disputes are often resolved through hearings and mediation.

Employer Responsibilities. Employers in South Carolina are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance to cover their employees’ potential injuries. Failure to maintain adequate coverage can result in penalties and legal consequences. Employers are also prohibited from retaliating against employees who file workers’ compensation claims.

If you have questions or concerns about workers’ compensation in South Carolina, seeking legal advice from an experienced Worker’s Compensation Attorney in South Carolina can provide valuable guidance in protecting your rights and interests. Bice Law is ready to fight for you to get you the maximum amount of worker’s compensation benefits available for your claim!

What benefits are covered by Worker’s Compensation?

Workers’ compensation in South Carolina provides benefits to employees who experience work-related injuries or illnesses. These benefits are designed to alleviate the financial and emotional stress that accompanies said work-related injuries and illnesses. From medical treatment coverage to various forms of wage replacement and support, these benefits ensure that injured workers receive the care and assistance they need to recover, maintain financial stability, and regain their quality of life. Understanding the scope of these benefits is crucial for both employees and employers, as it enables them to navigate the workers’ compensation process effectively and ensure that injured workers receive the support they deserve. Below we’ll detail the range of benefits that workers’ compensation covers in South Carolina.

Medical Treatment Coverage. Perhaps the most fundamental benefit of workers’ compensation is the coverage of medical treatment costs for work-related injuries and illnesses. Injured workers have the right to seek necessary medical care, including doctor visits, hospital stays, surgeries, prescription medications, and rehabilitative services. This ensures that injured employees can focus on their recovery without the added financial burden of medical expenses.

Temporary Total Disability (TTD) Benefits. When a work-related injury leaves an employee temporarily unable to work, they may be eligible for Temporary Total Disability (TTD) benefits. TTD benefits provide wage replacement, typically amounting to two-thirds of the employee’s average weekly wage prior to the injury. These benefits help injured workers cover their basic living expenses while they recover and are unable to work.

Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) Benefits. In cases where an injury results in permanent impairment but doesn’t render the worker completely disabled, Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) benefits come into play. South Carolina’s workers’ compensation system assigns a specific value to different body parts, and the compensation is determined based on this schedule. For example, if an employee loses partial use of a hand, they would receive compensation based on the value assigned to that body part.

Permanent Total Disability (PTD) Benefits. If a work-related injury or illness leads to complete and permanent disability, the injured worker may be eligible for Permanent Total Disability (PTD) benefits. These benefits are designed to provide ongoing financial support to individuals who are no longer able to engage in gainful employment due to their condition.

Vocational Rehabilitation. South Carolina’s workers’ compensation system recognizes the importance of helping injured workers return to suitable employment. Vocational rehabilitation benefits provide support for retraining, job placement assistance, and other services that help injured employees transition back into the workforce. This benefit is especially valuable for individuals whose injuries prevent them from returning to their previous job.

Death Benefits. In tragic cases where a work-related injury or illness leads to the death of an employee, workers’ compensation provides death benefits to the surviving dependents. These benefits typically include compensation for funeral and burial expenses, as well as ongoing financial support to dependents who relied on the deceased worker’s income.

Travel Expenses. In some situations, injured workers might need to travel to receive medical treatment or attend hearings related to their workers’ compensation claim. South Carolina’s workers’ compensation system often covers reasonable travel expenses associated with these activities.

Legal Representation Costs. If disputes arise during the workers’ compensation claims process, injured workers have the right to legal representation. In some cases, workers’ compensation may cover the reasonable costs associated with hiring an attorney to help navigate the legal complexities.

The duration of workers’ compensation benefits varies based on the nature and severity of the injury. Temporary benefits like TTD and PPD are typically provided until the employee has recovered or reached maximum medical improvement. Permanent benefits like PTD or death benefits are designed to provide ongoing support.

Common Types of Injuries Covered by Worker’s Comp 

Work Injury - Work Injury Attorney In South Carolina, workers’ compensation typically covers a wide range of work-related injuries and illnesses. Some of the most common types of injuries that are covered by worker’s compensation in South Carolina include:

  1. Sprains and Strains: Injuries to muscles, tendons, and ligaments due to sudden movements, heavy lifting, or overexertion are common in various industries. These injuries can occur in activities like lifting, carrying, or repetitive motions.

  2. Fractures: Broken bones resulting from falls, accidents, or impacts are commonly covered by workers’ compensation. These injuries can happen in industries ranging from construction to manufacturing.

  3. Cuts and Lacerations: Injuries caused by sharp tools, machinery, or other objects in the workplace are often covered. Cuts and lacerations can occur in various work settings, including factories and kitchens.

  4. Contusions and Bruises: Impact injuries that cause bruises or contusions are frequently covered by workers’ compensation. These injuries can result from slips, falls, or collisions with objects.

  5. Back and Neck Injuries: Strained or injured back and neck muscles, often caused by heavy lifting, repetitive motions, or poor ergonomics, are prevalent in many industries.

  6. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Repetitive use of the wrist and hands, common in jobs that involve typing, assembly work, or using vibrating tools, can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition is often covered by workers’ compensation if it can be directly linked to job-related activities.

  7. Burns: Burns from chemicals, hot surfaces, or fires can occur in various industries. These injuries range from minor to severe and can be covered by workers’ compensation.

  8. Respiratory Conditions: Employees exposed to harmful fumes, dust, or chemicals may develop respiratory conditions such as asthma or lung diseases. These conditions may be covered if they can be linked to workplace exposure.

  9. Slip and Fall Injuries: Falls due to slippery surfaces, uneven floors, or cluttered work areas can result in injuries such as sprains, fractures, or head injuries. These types of injuries are commonly covered by workers’ compensation.

  10. Eye Injuries: Workers who are exposed to flying debris, chemicals, or other hazards that can injure the eyes are often covered for medical treatment and recovery.

  11. Joint Injuries: Injuries to joints, such as the knees, elbows, and shoulders, can occur due to accidents or repetitive motions in various industries.

  12. Crush Injuries: Crush injuries from heavy machinery or equipment can lead to severe injuries, including fractures and internal injuries, and are often covered by workers’ compensation.

  13. Mental Health Conditions: In South Carolina, workers’ compensation can cover mental health conditions that are related to work-related stress or trauma under certain circumstances. Conditions like anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be covered if they can be directly linked to specific work-related incidents. 

It’s important to note that while these injuries are commonly covered, the specific circumstances of each case can influence eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits. Reporting the injury promptly to your employer and following the proper procedures for filing a claim are essential steps to ensure coverage. If you’re uncertain about whether your injury qualifies for workers’ compensation, consulting with a legal professional experienced in workers’ compensation law can provide you with valuable guidance. Bice Law has a Frontline Injury Team with the experience to successfully handle any worker’s compensation claim. Call Bice Law today for your FREE CONSULTATION!

Are Mental Health Conditions Covered by Worker’s Compensation?

Yes, in South Carolina, workers’ compensation can cover mental health conditions that are related to work-related stress or trauma under certain circumstances. However, it’s important to note that claims for mental health conditions can be more complex to establish compared to physical injuries. Here are some key points to consider:

Establishing Causation: For a mental health condition to be covered under workers’ compensation, it generally needs to be proven that the condition directly resulted from work-related stressors or trauma. This can be challenging, as mental health conditions often have multiple potential causes.

Types of Covered Mental Health Conditions: South Carolina workers’ compensation may cover conditions such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) if they can be directly linked to specific work-related incidents or conditions.

Work-Related Stressors: Stressors that are typically considered for coverage include traumatic events that occurred in the workplace, such as witnessing a serious accident, being a victim of workplace violence, or being exposed to a dangerous incident.

Job-Related Factors: In some cases, chronic stress resulting from excessive workload, harassment, bullying, or hostile work environments may be considered for coverage. However, proving a direct link between these factors and the development of a mental health condition can be more complex.

Normal Work Stress vs. Extraordinary Stress: South Carolina workers’ compensation law often requires that the work-related stress or trauma is of an extraordinary nature beyond the normal stresses that come with the job. This means that the stressors need to be unusual or unexpected to qualify for coverage.

Medical Documentation: Just like with physical injuries, medical documentation is essential when filing a claim for a mental health condition. A qualified medical professional needs to provide evidence linking the condition to work-related stressors.

Burden of Proof: The burden of proving the connection between the mental health condition and work-related factors rests on the employee seeking workers’ compensation benefits.

It’s important to consult with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney if you believe you have a valid claim for a mental health condition related to work-related stress or trauma. These cases can be complex, and an attorney can help you navigate the legal process, gather necessary evidence, and present a strong case for your claim. Additionally, the laws and regulations surrounding workers’ compensation can change, so seeking up-to-date legal advice is recommended.

How much does a Worker’s Comp Lawyer cost in Fort Mill?

When facing a complex legal process like a workers’ compensation claim, the concern about cost can be a common factor in deciding whether to seek a Worker’s Compensation Lawyer in Fort Mill. Understanding the potential expenses associated with hiring a worker’s comp lawyer can help individuals make informed decisions about their legal needs. The cost of hiring a worker’s comp lawyer can vary depending on factors like your location, the complexity of your case, and the lawyer’s fee structure. Many lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid a percentage of the settlement if you win your case. In addition to the contingency fee, there might be other costs associated with your case. These costs can include filing fees, medical record retrieval fees, court costs, and expert witness fees. Some lawyers may cover these costs upfront and deduct them from your compensation if you win the case, while others may ask you to cover these expenses separately. During the initial consultation, you can discuss fees, potential costs, and the benefits of legal representation.

While the cost of hiring a worker’s comp lawyer is a consideration, it’s important to weigh this against the potential benefits. An experienced Fort Mill worker’s compensation lawyer can navigate the complexities of the legal system, gather evidence, negotiate with insurers, and represent your interests effectively. This can significantly increase your chances of receiving fair compensation for your injuries and ensuring your rights are upheld.

Who will handle my case?

At Bice Law, our firm has an entire Frontline Injury Team dedicated to your case to ensure the needs of your case are met. You will be assigned an experienced case manager who will be your main point of contact throughout the life of your case. Your case manager will keep in contact with you regularly and provide you with updates on your case. They will also inform you about the claims process so you can have a better understanding of what is happening every step of the way. Your case manager will work directly with the attorney overseeing your case to ensure the best possible claim resolution. The attorney may often be in hearings or trials but will always be directly involved in your case.

Work Injury Lawyer in Fort Mill

Fort Mil, South Carolina - Fort Mill Injury AttorneyFiling a work injury claim and obtaining your worker’s compensation benefits can be a confusing and frustrating process. If you have been hurt on the job and need a work injury lawyer in Fort Mill, Bice Law is ready to fight for you and get you the help that you need to recover. Our firm serves work injury victims in Fort Mill, throughout York County, and across South Carolina. If you have been seriously injured in a worker’s compensation accident in Fort Mill, take the first step to protect your legal rights and contact Bice Law. Results are how we measure success – we’ve built a strong reputation both in and out of the courtroom, and we’ll put our experience and expertise to work on your behalf.

Don’t hesitate, there s only a 3-year window to file a lawsuit for your personal injury claim. If you or someone you know has been injured in the Fort Mill area, call the experienced Fort Mill car accident lawyer at Bice Law. We’re ready to fight for your rights and get you the compensation that you deserve. Our Frontline Injury Team fights for our clients from consultation to settlement, and we don’t get paid unless you do. Call Bice Law today! 877-BICE-877

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  • Bice Law LLC | Fort Mill

    Bice Law Office - Fort Mill Workers Comp Lawyer

    Address: 406 Tom Hall Street, Fort Mill, SC 29715

    Phone: (803) 639-8777

    “I called Bice Law to get info on my claim and they were able to explain exactly what I needed to do and what I should expect. The staff is friendly and very knowledgeable in their work. I would definitely recommend them for a personal injury or workers comp claim!”

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    “I am so glad that I called Bice Law when I did. They offered me a free consultation and were very detailed in explaining the process of what to expect going forward. I would absolutely recommend this firm to anyone.”

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