Large Truck / Tractor Trailer Accident Attorney
Bice Law has an experienced Large Truck / Tractor Trailer Accident Attorney ready to handle your personal injury claim. The transportation industry has undergone tremendous growth in the last few years. More and more 18-wheelers, semis, tractor-trailers, vans, and tour buses are sharing the road with passenger vehicles, and catastrophic accidents often result when those trucks and passenger cars collide. If you have suffered injury or harm in an accident with a truck, take the first step to protect your legal rights – call 877-BICE-877 today or submit an online request to get a free consultation with a large truck/tractor-trailer accident attorney. We’ll review your situation free of charge and advise you of your legal options.
Semi-Truck Accident Lawyer Serving North and South Carolina
Crashes involving commercial motor vehicles and passenger vehicles including automobiles, pickup trucks, vans, and sport utility vehicles are on the rise. Large trucks account for a 2.3 fatality rate per 100 million miles traveled vs. 1.5 for vehicles. In 2007, large trucks accounted for 8 percent of all vehicles involved in fatal crashes and 4 percent of all vehicles involved in injury and property-damage-only crashes, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. One out of nine traffic fatalities in 2007 resulted from a collision involving a large truck.
The most common types of truck crashes are rear-ended, ran off-road/out of lane, sideswipe, rollover, turning across path/into the path, and intersecting vehicles. The most common causes of truck crashes include driver drug use, traveling too fast for conditions, unfamiliarity with local roads, and fatigue.
Trucks handle about half of the tonnage carried between cities in the United States. With larger vehicles, freight can be moved at a lower cost. The current federal guidelines set the maximum allowed weight for a tractor/trailer at 80,000 pounds. When an 80,000 pound 18-wheeler runs into a vehicle, it often results in substantial damage to property and serious bodily injuries.
Victims of 18-wheeler truck or large commercial motor vehicle collisions deserve an experienced truck accident attorney to represent them against the trucking company and an insurance company. An experienced truck accident attorney goes beyond the negligence of the truck driver and investigates the trucking company for negligence in hiring, supervision, and entrustment of the 18-wheeler truck. A large commercial motor vehicle is defined as follows:
- Having a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 10,000 pounds;
- A vehicle designed to transport more than 15 passengers, including the driver;
- Or transporting hazardous materials in quantities requiring the vehicle to be placarded.
An attorney with extensive experience and knowledge of 18-wheeler or large commercial motor vehicle litigation can determine, develop and pursue a commercial truck case through conducting extensive discovery, consulting experts in accident reconstruction and trucking, talking to medical consultants, and obtaining any captured electronic crash data, as well as requesting backup of data produced through satellite systems with which many commercial motor vehicles are now equipped.
Contact the Large Truck Accident Law Firm of Bice Law
If you have suffered a serious injury in a truck accident, contact the personal injury firm of Bice Law serving both North and South Carolina. You only have a limited time after your injury to file a claim, so act quickly. Call 877-BICE-877 today or submit an online request to get a free consultation with a large truck/tractor-trailer accident attorney. We serve families across both North and South Carolina. Results are how we measure success – we’ve built a strong reputation both in and out of the courtroom, and we’ll put our experience and expertise to work on your behalf.